Volumetric Lighting

What is volumetric lighting and what role does it play in creating atmosphere?
Volumetric Lighting, often used in motion graphics, brings a dynamic layer of realism to scenes by simulating how light behaves in a three-dimensional environment. It creates effects such as light beams, glows, or dust particles illuminated by light, adding depth and a sense of space, often used in creating atmospheric or dramatic scenes.
In an animated sequence depicting a mysterious forest, volumetric lighting can illustrate sunbeams piercing through the canopy, creating a magical, ethereal mood that draws viewers into the scene’s ambiance.
Videobolt's extensive library features templates that utilize volumetric lighting to spectacular effect. The Luminous Aura template wraps logos in glowing light rays, creating a dynamic ambiance, while Light Rays Logo sharply pierces the darkness, highlighting the brand with style. These templates exemplify the striking impact of volumetric lighting in motion graphics.
Volumetric Lighting on Videobolt
More details
Luminous Aura - Original - Poster image
Technical definition
Achieving this effect requires rendering software capable of simulating light scattering and absorption by particles in the air. Designers adjust parameters like light intensity, color, and scattering medium density to create the desired atmospheric effect.