
What is a bevel and how does it add dimension to graphics?
In motion graphics and design, a bevel refers to an effect applied to text or shapes that creates the illusion of a three-dimensional edge by adding angled surfaces. This technique can enhance the visual interest and depth of on-screen elements, making them pop out from the background and appear more tactile and dynamic.
The bevel effect adds dimension and interest to objects, as shown in a comparison of two cubes — one with a bevel and one without. The beveled cube has a more three-dimensional appearance, with the edges catching and reflecting light, which could make elements like text or logos in an animation stand out and feel more tactile. This effect enhances the visual impact of graphics by adding depth and a touch of realism.
Videobolt's Glossy Reflection Loop and Classic 3D Reveal templates showcase the use of bevel effects to enhance the visual appeal of logos. In Glossy Reflection Loop, the bevel adds dimension and depth to the logo, making it pop against the reflective surface, while in Classic 3D Reveal, the bevel effect gives the logo a three-dimensional look that stands out with a sleek and professional finish. These templates highlight the impact a well-applied bevel can have in making a design look more dynamic and engaging.
Bevel on Videobolt
Technical definition
Bevel effects can be adjusted for depth, angle, and softness within graphic design and animation software, allowing designers to fine-tune the appearance to match the desired aesthetic or thematic context of the project.