Hexadecimal Color

What is hexadecimal color and how does it apply to motion graphics design?
In the world of motion graphics, hexadecimal color codes are a way of defining precise colors within digital designs. These codes consist of six characters, starting with a hashtag (#), followed by a combination of letters (A-F) and numbers (0-9), representing the intensity of red, green, and blue (RGB) components. This RGB model allows for over 16 million color variations, ensuring designers can achieve the exact hue needed for their animations and graphics, maintaining consistency across various platforms and devices.
A designer can replicate the precise shades seen in a dynamic fabric animation by applying specific hex codes, creating a visually cohesive and striking animation that aligns with the brand's color scheme.
Technical definition
Hexadecimal codes are primarily used in web design and digital graphics software, where precision and color consistency are critical. Manipulating these codes allows for subtle adjustments in shading, gradients, and transitions, enabling designers to create visually compelling and cohesive motion graphics with exact brand or thematic colors.