
What is montage and how does it convey complex ideas quickly?
A montage in motion graphics and film is a powerful storytelling technique that combines a series of shots or images to convey a narrative or thematic message within a short time frame. By editing together diverse visuals that may vary in time, location, or action, montages can evoke emotions, build tension, or show progress in a visually dynamic and engaging way.
A montage in motion graphics can splice together different angles of a cityscape, as depicted, to convey a narrative or theme. Here, various perspectives are combined — from a bird’s-eye view of bustling streets to a closer look at skyscrapers and a drone mid-flight — creating a dynamic visual story of urban life.
Montage techniques are skillfully utilized in Videobolt's Empty Streets and Energy Drink Promo templates to enhance narrative flow and maintain viewer engagement. In Empty Streets, the montage creates a tense and mysterious atmosphere by seamlessly transitioning between shots of dark, deserted urban landscapes. This editing style heightens the suspense and intrigue, ideal for horror or thriller genres. Energy Drink Promo employs a dynamic montage to showcase a 3D aluminum can from various angles, emphasizing the product’s design and branding. Changes between different shots of the can, along with energetic transitions, effectively highlight the beverage’s appeal and align with the vibrant energy of the promotional content.
Montage on Videobolt
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Empty Streets - Original - Poster image
Technical definition
Creating a montage involves selecting and editing together relevant visuals in a way that they complement each other and the narrative, often accompanied by music or voiceover to enhance the storytelling impact.