Negative Space

What is negative space and why is it important in design and art?
Negative Space in art and design is the space around and between the main objects or subjects. This space is not merely a blank background but an active part of the composition that helps define the boundaries of positive space (the main subjects) and can significantly contribute to the balance, composition, and message of the artwork. In motion graphics and visual design, effective use of negative space can enhance readability, direct viewer focus, and create a visually appealing layout that conveys a clear message or emotion.
In a logo design, the negative space might be used creatively to form an additional image or symbol related to the brand, adding a layer of meaning and sophistication to the design.
Technical definition
Manipulating negative space involves considering the arrangement of elements, the balance between filled and empty areas, and the shape of the space itself. It requires a thoughtful approach to composition, often employing a minimalist aesthetic to highlight the importance of what is left unsaid or unseen.