Stereoscopic 3D

What is stereoscopic 3D and how does it create depth in visuals?
Stereoscopic 3D enhances the perception of depth in visuals by simulating the way human eyes perceive the world. By presenting slightly different images to each eye, it creates a three-dimensional illusion, making objects appear closer or further away. This method is widely used in motion graphics, virtual reality, and film to create more immersive and engaging visual experiences.
In a 3D animated movie, stereoscopic techniques can make scenes feel more life-like, with characters and objects popping out of the screen, providing viewers with a captivating, multi-dimensional viewing experience.
Technical definition
Implementing stereoscopic 3D involves creating or capturing two congruent images or videos from slightly different perspectives, mimicking the distance between human eyes. Playback requires specialized equipment that ensures the right eye sees only the right image and the left eye sees only the left image, such as 3D glasses in a cinema.