
What are XRefs in motion graphics and what advantages do they offer?
XRefs, short for External References, are used in 3D animation and motion graphics to reference external files (such as models, animations, or textures) within a project. This technique allows designers to work on different components of a project simultaneously and update all instances of the referenced files automatically when changes are made. XRefs are particularly valuable in complex projects involving large teams, enabling efficient collaboration and consistent asset use across scenes or animations.
In a collaborative animated feature film, character models stored as XRefs can be updated by the modeling team, and those updates will automatically propagate to all scenes where the characters appear, ensuring consistency and saving significant time.
Technical definition
Setting up XRefs typically involves importing a reference to an external file rather than the file itself into your project. This creates a dynamic link, so changes to the external file are reflected in the project without the need to manually update each instance. Most 3D modeling and animation software supports XRefs, though the specific implementation and capabilities can vary.