Color Blocking

What is color blocking and how does it impact visual design?
Color Blocking in motion graphics and design involves using sharply contrasting blocks of solid colors to create visually striking compositions. This technique can highlight different elements within a scene, guide the viewer's eye, or convey mood and emotion through the use of color.
In an animated commercial for a fashion brand, color blocking might be used to differentiate various clothing lines within a single frame, using vibrant backgrounds to make each item pop.
Videobolt is an excellent platform to observe color blocking in motion graphics, showcased through templates like Retro Trip and TUBE Viz. As you can see in the embeded preview, Retro Trip uses vibrant color contrasts to highlight its nostalgic retro style and the dynamic visuals of a space portal, enhancing the musical experience with visual depth. TUBE Viz applies color blocking in its energetic audio visualizer, where dual or single-colored spectrums emphasize the track's beat. Both templates demonstrate color blocking's power to simplify and amplify visual impact, making motion graphics more engaging and memorable.
Color Blocking on Videobolt
More details
Retro Trip - Original - Poster image
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TUBE Viz - Original - Poster image
Technical definition
The technique requires careful selection and juxtaposition of colors based on color theory principles, ensuring harmony and balance while achieving the desired visual impact.