Squash and Stretch

What is squash and stretch and how does it enhance animation realism?
Squash and Stretch is a core principle of animation that provides objects and characters with a sense of weight and volume as they move. By compressing (squashing) and elongating (stretching) an object in relation to its movement, animators can imbue their creations with lifelike, dynamic motion, crucial for making animations feel more natural and expressive.
When animating a bouncing ball, squash and stretch are applied at the impact and rebound points, respectively, making the ball's movement feel more realistic and energetic.
A great example to understand the squash and stretch animation principle is through Videobolt's Liquid Energy Intro template. In this animation, as two energy drops collide to reveal a company logo, the squash and stretch technique vividly enhances their fluidity and impact. This principle imparts a naturalistic, elastic quality to the movements, making the collision visually captivating and dynamic.
Squash and Stretch on Videobolt
Technical definition
The technique requires careful manipulation of an object’s shape, ensuring that the overall volume is conserved even as the form changes. This is often achieved through keyframe animation, where the extremes of squash and stretch are defined and the in-between frames are interpolated.