Glow Effect

What is the glow effect and how does it enhance visuals in motion graphics?
The Glow Effect in motion graphics is used to add a bright, ethereal outline around objects, text, or graphical elements, giving the impression that they are emitting light. This effect can highlight important features, create depth, or set a mood within a scene by simulating the appearance of light radiating from sources within the graphics.
This image illustrates the glow effect as a visual representation of an audio waveform. The central peak’s bright highlight and the fading glow towards the edges mimic how sound might visually resonate in a space, suggesting both intensity and movement. This not only adds aesthetic depth but also provides a visual cue to the sound's presence and characteristics, enhancing the immersive experience of the viewer.
Videobolt’s Impact and Sci-Fi Maze Reveal templates effectively use the glow effect to enhance visual appeal. Impact’s glowing logo and particles create an eye-catching intro, while Sci-Fi Maze Reveal’s glowing reactor leads to an intriguing logo reveal. Both templates utilize glow to add vibrancy and focus to the graphics.
Glow Effect on Videobolt
More details
Impact - Original - Poster image
Technical definition
Creating the glow effect typically involves layering blur filters and adjusting color, opacity, and blending modes in software, allowing designers to customize the intensity and spread of the glow to fit the aesthetic of the project.